Thursday, December 30, 2010

spread the love - sponsor a child

Recently, we began supporting precious little baby boy DongYang (on the left) and his foster mom in China and it feels GREAT to know we are helping support him in a small way until he finds his "forever" family. Many children in China are placed in foster care which is a great benefit for their development and many women in China are happy to care for them. Imagine living under the "one child only" rule that is still being enforced…I would guess in a small way that being a foster mom helps fill a void that some of them might feel. Check out the updated photo of him from the Humbleness Home foster group below - sweet santa drawing skills!

So, maybe not everyone is "called" to adopt, but I believe EVERYONE is called to support orphans and those who find themselves in desperate situations. At the very least we can all offer our prayers, give of our time, or even provide financial support. For $30 (less than you would spend on a run-of-the-mill dinner out) you could provide support for a child in China…for an entire month! It doesn't sound like much, but imagine the difference a measly $30 would make in the life of that precious child…this is obviously a soapbox I'm not stepping off. We are so blessed, let's spread the love!

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